Enrollment and Attendance FAQs
Who is eligible to attend Friendship Public Charter School Online?
Any student in grades PK–8 who resides in Washington, D.C. is eligible for full-time enrollment through the My School D.C. lottery.
When will enrollment open?
Enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year is closed.
How many of my children can I enroll in Friendship PCS Online?
Because Friendship PCS Online provides all the lesson plans and materials needed for PK–8 students, many parents find it easy to enroll multiple children in the program.
What does it cost to attend Friendship PCS Online?
Since Friendship PCS Online is a public school program, there is no tuition. Friendship provides district-certified teachers and instructional materials for the program. However, students and families will be responsible for providing some consumable materials (such as printer ink and paper).
What is the attendance policy?
Friendship Public Charter School Online works with families toward a positive attendance record to meet their required number of 181 instructional days. Attendance is recorded by student lesson completion activity as well as attendance to instructional and other school related sessions.
Can I take a vacation?
The school calendar includes school “holidays” or vacation time. Whenever possible, family vacations should align with school vacation days. Parents are encouraged to contact their teacher if they plan a vacation that does not coordinate with the school calendar. Extended family travel, except during normal school vacation periods, requires written notification and vacation contract approval by the Head of School or designee. This should be completed at least one week prior to the extended absence.
Do you have a parent involvement policy?
All families must attend an in-person parent orientation and new students will attend the “Introduction to Online Learning” course via the online school. Families must maintain regular communication with Friendship PCS Online teachers. Students and parents/Learning Coaches must check their email and phone messages daily. Students must attend all required Class Connect live sessions for direct instruction as directed by their teachers.
Is the program available to children without a permanent address?
The McKinney Act of 1987, or P.L. 100-77, ensures that each child of a homeless individual, and each homeless youth shall have equal access to the same free, appropriate public education as provided to other children and youth. The act has been amended and is considered the McKinney-Vento Act currently. Under the Act, schools are prohibited from delaying a homeless child’s entry into school due to delays in obtaining school records. Rules regarding guardianship must be waived for homeless students living with foster parents or relatives other than their legal guardians. Individuals who would be considered McKinney-Vento students would be in housing temporarily and due to hardship, the housing is substandard or considered inadequate or a student is not living with a parent or guardian.
Friendship PCS Online can offer school supplies and Title I services to qualifying homeless youth. Determinations of qualifying students are made on a case-by-case basis.
Parents and students may review the Friendship PCS Online of Homeless Children and Youth policy by calling the school office. If you feel you may be eligible for services please call the school office at 202.729.8287.